Dext Mobile Upload Guide – NAS Inc


Frontline Staff

The app is available on all NAS tablets either at each Group Home or in Community Access.

  1. Open the mobile app
  2. Take a picture of your receipt
  3. Under ‘Details’ click ‘Category’ and select the client name the receipt belongs too.
  4. Press ‘Submit’ (the arrow at the top right corner)




Note: You are not required to enter any other information, only the ‘Category’. If you have any additional information pertaining to the receipt you may add details in the description box at the bottom.  


Leadership Staff

You will be required to download the app, there is an iOS version and an Android version of the Dext Prepare Mobile App. Search Dext or Receipt Bank in the app store.

  1. Open the mobile app
  2. Take a picture of your receipt
  3. Under ‘Details’ click ‘Category’ and select the relevant expense code*
  4. Press ‘Submit’ (the arrow at the top right corner)


Note: The following expense codes are available to choose from

  • ‘Admin Supplies’
  • ‘Facilities – Health and Safety’
  • ‘Facilities – Supplies’
  • ‘IT Misc Expenses’
  • ‘Program – NAS Assets’ (This is to be used for program purchases above $1,000)
  • ‘Program – Supplies’
  • ‘Program – Misc’
  • ‘Renovation Expenses’
  • ‘Repairs and Maintenance’


*If the expense is not relating to any of the above or if you are uncertain you can leave the field blank and instead put something in the description box.